🎨First Collection (MANEKI NEKO)

The first GoLOT! collection is based on Maneki Neko, "the lucky cat." Why did we choose this distinctive cat? It's a very special talisman that you've probably seen somewhere—a smiling cat that greets you with its raised paw. This little feline originates from Japan and is more than just an ornament.

The Maneki Neko is known to attract good fortune and ward off negative energy. For this very reason, we've chosen it—not only to bring luck to NFT buyers but also to bring prosperity to our project. But how does it work? Join me on this journey of luck and mystery! The cat comes in different colors, each with its own meaning.

For example, the Maneki Neko in our collection has its left paw raised, which draws customers to this magnificent collection. But that's not all—its adornments also matter! Our Maneki Neko cats wear Ethereum and Bitcoin necklaces, along with bells... All related to cryptocurrencies and luck.

They also wear hats linked to Japanese culture and other details like the Polygon logo (the network on which the project is built). Now, why is the Maneki Neko perfect for our first collection? Well, think of it this way: in a lottery, everyone is looking for their stroke of luck, and the lucky kitty is here to help! Mint it and hold it in your wallet—this way, your wallet will have a charm. So, the next time you see that adorable Fortune Cat greeting you with its raised paws, you'll know you're in a place where luck is on your side! Therefore, GoLOT! is the perfect community for you.

Some models from the collection:

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